Originally written in Early 2022.

winter effectively just carries the vibe of a very cramped metro station. kinda hazy lighting with a bunch of linear, angular metal embellishments. quite frequently becomes amonotonous by virtue of a bunch of bright illustrations and ‘billboard’ type patterning that pop up sometimes. ceilings oscillate between being very high and low. occasional installations like water fountains or visible fans contribute to an overall brutalist feel. very grey/white and shiny outside of the aforementioned ‘pops’ of color. windows are tiled and often made of black glass that cuts down on fornax light. balconies are closed off via elevator style sliding doors, triggerable by buttons nearby. metro comparison feels most succinct but stuff like ice rinks and soda machines also inspired it.

spring also follows a kind of brutalist industrial feel but it takes it in a direction more reminiscent of greenhouses. it’s also more monochrome. huge part of it just has faux-glass panes that let filtered fornax light through, corridors are very linear, a lot of focus on metal mesh… has a lot of interlaced geometric patterning around, is a lot more rigid and square-y than winter. a lot of futuristic grid shapes. probably resembles old school computer hardware or see-through plastic stuff where you can see all the wires and everything but extended to what’s basically an apartment complex. certain portions are more akin to solar panels. stressing the windows here since that’s where half the light comes from.

summer is very art nouveau-y, there’s a lot of colorful winding spiral patterns all over the walls and floor, decorum leans towards being psychedelic and overdone. a lot of the lighting is faint neon and there’s a lot of just empty wide halls in here — hence i describe summer a lot like a roller rink, a retro arcade or a bowling alley. there’s a vague retrofuturism aspect to everything here. very pink and peachy overall.

autumn is kind of classical and decorative, a lot of ‘brassy’ looking framing and bordering. at the same time it’s got a very ‘embellished road’ type feel, there’s a lot of red brick and portions that are more rustic/wood-based, a lot of stairs and banisters that don’t exactly lead places, paintings everywhere, most lighting is built off of lampposts. curtains are frequent, though if windows are left uncovered the sills resemble ornate painting frames intentionally. it’s very old museum-y whilst at the same time resembling vintage cafes and libraries and whatnot. certain parts of it are more simplistic and look way more like… a hotel entryroom, for lack of better comparison.

control room is just the cover art of plague accommodations fucking honestly look that shit up. lots of screens lots of external wires resembling the makeup of an insect. clumped together hallways messy wires and tubes everywhere, kind of in ruin… darkness broken up solely by screen lights and the ceiling glass bits that allow fornax light to pass through. all the magic hardware is like clunky retrofuturist computers, there’s some very bulky panels around. there’s little embellishment here and things tend to just be solid plain colors.

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