Originally (mostly) written in November of 2023, completed in February of 2024.

idle thoughts on food preferences and eating habits… a topic i think will become kind of essential within random ‘filler’ conversations haha

dalisay: VERY specific thing but i think sie’s deeply fond of just like Platters of meals. big into quote unquote charcuterie boards and arrays of bowls of fruit and whatever, sie likes just being able to pick up random treats to syncretise tastes and whatnot. also probably just likes very flakey disjointed stuff like rice or meat slices or whatever, is very contemptive toward soups and other ‘slimes’ of meals. probably prefers eating hir food cold and dry whenever sie can. definitely has a thing about adjacent mixed foods “contaminating” each others tastes and therefore becoming unpleasant… thus the preference for very seperated or just ‘shelled’ foods that don’t heavily stain others in palate. also think sie’s ridiculously sensitive to spicy food and overdone spices in general… hir meals are very stripped down and bare overall
got a very specific factoid in my mind clear as day that hir favorite fruit is mango.
also think sie’s just very into teas and infused waters, uhh also very particular vision of hir having been very into energy drinks at like age 17 or something. which is very embarrassing for hir nowadays. has probably replaced that with iced coffee or just regular warm instant coffee compositions… definitely something caffeinated though

mazin: i don’t know probably just very insistent on enjoying various french delicacies. the genuineness there wavers. but he’s resilient enough to like escargot or whatever so hes probably got a wide palate and tolerence for weird foods. oh he probably adores seafood also actually. nothing he loves more than breaking apart something for the sake of eating it

demeter: has always been very frugal and plain about food but like. not in a decrepit way. moreso just “knows how to make something very basic very good anyway”. they’re the type of person to know how to make a REALLY good apple pie or marble cake or something. OH probably really good at making like thin clatite type things… big fan of jams and preserved fruit concoctions…
uhh evidently knew how to prepare fish since míra brought em in every once in a while. i also imagine they’re like pretty particular about cheeses? mostly just knowing how to integrate them into recipes and whatnot and how to melt particular types well…
the way im describing their preferences very directly intertwine with their very fixed subsistence view of cooking… i wont say they dont enjoy preparing meals or that they Don’t have any preference for food at all but like yeah they were quite poor for a majority of their life. and also just very insular and afraid of trying new things. didn’t really get to expand their tastes until train and even then i doubt they were particularly ecstatic about getting into cooking afterward. any pride or enthusiasm they outwardly exert about their ability occurs whenever they bake a random tray of treats like. once in a blue moon for themself and ulises

ulises: speaking of ulises i think shes fucking GOOD at cooking. specifically imagining that in her late teens she did suck ass at it though and lived on that like. destitute college student daily ramen lifestyle for a good while. it was literally case of her waking up one day and going “man i cant live like this anymore i need to take some cooking classes” and she did. later probably also talked to her meemaw and learned some recipes specific to her family that i imagine shes adamant about maintaining… really proficient in most bread-heavy meals. things she’d like that are jumping out at me for whatever reason; mushrooms and that really heavily condimented type of rice. she can probably cook the best lasagna in the world…

somsak: he eats a bowl of flintstones vitamins every day like its dry dog kibble and its good enough for him

freya: notably very into sweet foods. even when eating more savory stuff thon’ll usually compromise the taste via sauces and spices that string it along closer to sweetness… though thons sweet tooth mostly translates to frequent bites of a candy, thon DOES also adore some good well-composed desserts and baked goods. probably big into croissants with jam in them and cheesecakes or whatever.
also thon’s very fond of berries, with blueberries being thons favorite. something something i think its just a preference thons had since thon was a kid and it partially inspired thons eventual holly motif hehe.
uhhh to talk of ability. i imagine thon knows how to prepare a good amount of stuff but thon views thons cooking as like. very “quaint” and basic, knows a few tricks to make a simple dish pleasurable though. thon has powers in the realm of spices. its like dune. anyway. definitely has a wide breadth of knowledge on various foods and probably knows how to do some really novel things like bake bread or make a cake but its the kind of thing where thon needs to comply to a recipe and doesnt feel too comfortable tredging out of any guidelines in there, is never too confident about substitutions… uhh throughout thons youth thon mostly depended on thons family to cook for thon and though thon did hang around the kitchen and help out it WAS very auxiliary and thon was like. always under supervision when compiling anything more complex than a grilled cheese or whatever. definitely started to settle into thons ability whenever thon moved out but even then thon depended on a lot of takeout and. again. never really got Too confident about foodcrafting. 

olzhas: despite eir usual penchant for composing relatively fancy foods, eir favorite treat is literally just a humble plate of polenta. i imagine e’s pretty big on grain type foods, but also very fervent about meats and stuff… honestly e’s just got a very well rounded diet altogether. is very particular about eating sufficiently filling meals mostly because e used to eat like SHIT throughout eir early 20s, often just used to postpone meals to the point of only eating like once or twice a day or otherwise just eating very scrappily even when on schedule. getting to know and care for isel got em to be more conscious about eating right in a very “well. i’m gonna cook something for him anyway so i might as well just also eat” and this habit extended to whenever e befriended freya who similarly beheld em to routine big breakfast and dinner and whatnot kind of accidentally. ah well e’s grateful.
to express food preferences a bit more, i think e’s a very soups kind of guy. or just like “warm slop meal” type of guy in general and thats where eir cooking skill manifests itself like really well. everyone whos had an olzhas soup has loved it. also thinking e’s MAINLY fond of gamey-ish red meats. i imagine e’s indulged in some uncommon fornax summonings and has experimented a bit with things like goat or horse meat…
drinkswise. evidently e’s fond of wine but e’ll indulge in other kinds of alcohol every once in a while, isn’t really too fond of soda or even coffee or anything. i think at most e just enjoys a good tea

isel: kind of a picky eater honestly but its like. not neccessarily him disliking a lot of foods as much as it is him being very precise about the kind of preperation that goes into his food LOL he’s the type of guy to be very pedantic about how crispy or ripe or whatever certain ingredients are and. its not like he’ll sit out a meal if its unsatisfactory or whatever but it will be ‘soured’ for him and he might turn his nose up a bit at a dish. crack a joke or two about it being subpar. you know how it is. this attitude mostly just stems from his upbringing being very pampered, he’s like always had other people around to cook for him and hes charming enough that everyone just indulges him. SIGH.
he’s like not too well versed in proper cooking himself, probably knows how to prepare some very basic stuff like sandwiches or eggs or whatever but he kind of hates Making Food and views his own cooking as “helpless and abysmal”. it’s literally just fine though.
probably also a big fan of meats, though i imagine he tends to stick around seafood actually. loves a good shrimps

beatrix: god probably very insistent on eating well both in terms of like. yeah just generally is consistent about portions and eats a good variety of things but also type of woman to just pull up a gross vegetables smoothie and just chug it for extra nutrition or whatever. is just generally very like unrestrained about that kind of shit doesnt think much of it. doesnt even really enjoy it just seems to be proving a point or whatever. shes a bit insufferable. oh also this absolutely extends to just being sooo into grain type foods (quinoa fan numero uno!!!!) really big fan of those shitty little granola bars that dont really do anything for you. that pertains less to the whole idea of proving a point or whatever i think thats just a genuine indulgence she loves the taste of. probably also loves those shitty stringy cereals that might as well be cardboard
in terms of favorite foods though hmm. oh honestly might just be into pastas and noodle soups and things like that. connoisseur of sauces and cheeses about it. probably just really likes cheese in general and has VERY particular opinions on all kinds of types. its inherited from her white mom you know how it is.
loves a good fucking SALAD also
has probably been drinking coffee since she was like. a child basically LOL. similar to the way she views smoking its less a thing of pleasure and more just. routine she has that she feels the need to uphold and keep indulging in just to maintain consistency in her life. probably drinks it very bitter also which really doesnt do much for her. ehh.

marjolaine: contrarily a teas fan, usually likes to beautify them with decadent portions of honey and sugar and shit… probably accustomed to like. very picturesque croissant and tea with a sweet treat type breakfast. definitely very good about eating leafs, probably enjoys a good broccoli and lettuce and whatever. honestly thinking she might outright be a vegetarian i can’t imagine her caring too much for meat dishes. probably enjoys a good soup also. tends to enjoy decostructed meals like plain charcuterie boards and shit. good with spices and sauces although shes picky about the latter in terms of quantity, she doesnt like drenching her treats in like ranch or anything…

faris: saddest in the fucking world forever and ever. very sensitive about the texture of most leafy greens and fruits, probably just endured a bunch of like. vitamin supplements and those gross near-medicinal concoction slops of vegetables instead of tasting them in proper meals. he’s not that picky about meat outside of the self-evident abstinence from pork and that forms the bulk of his meals… man loves beef! probably also just likes milk and cereal and shit like that but makes it a point to avoid coffee. he doesn’t like what it does to his head. it mostly just gives him bad migraines and makes him anxious

valerie: world’s biggest salads fan. i don’t see her as being overly picky about any food in particular but i do think that she doesn’t have much of an appetite in usual and is like. prone to just eating a bunch of tiny snack type meals throughout the day instead of settling for the big 3 or whatever. isn’t fond of forcing herself to eat big meals she kind of just does the thing of “ohh why do i feel bad and tense and headachy. ohhhhhh i haven’t eaten in like 10 hours” a lot.. every once in a while she prepares herself a fancy dinner though its well within her capability. probably very good with seafood i imagine she likes shit like sashimi and other raw samplings…

peixin: the last time i discussed rain food with stanley the only thing i noted down about peixin was “peixin: bread” and i think that about explains it. probably shares the thing dalisay has about food contamination but to an even worse extent where theyll just like. not eat something if its too busy or contradictory in tastes. will probably just stand by their fridge. pull out like a slice of cheese and just eat it raw while standing unflinchingly. down it with a glass of water and a plain piece of white bread and then thats it thats their meal for the next 5 or so hours.
their constant nausea plays into their like. reluctance to really digest anything complex. a lot of their safe foods are just staple nausea foods like plain biscuits and yogurt and whatever.
probably indulged in various drinks that were shitty in various different ways throughout their life. aaaand gave most of them up post-visions because yeah good lird giving yourself acid reflux from intense soda intake is probably not helpful in a situation like that. 

sabri: most of the food she eats is very particularly soft on the jaw for obvious reasons — though her jaw isn’t fully unhooked or even pained most of the time biting just strains her way too much and DOES initiate pain so she avoids anything too heavy. i imagine shes fond of potatoes and beans, those earthy kind of foods. ambivalent about soup in general, tends to like thicker broths over the overly watery kinds. berries are her regulated every-once-in-a-while treat, usually finds post-ripe fruits easier to gnaw down. once in a blue moon she will just snap down small fragments of meat or something but that’s usually reserved for very hedonistic private nights because she usually has to finnagle the stuff with her hands to tear it up and she thinks “it isn’t a pretty sight.”

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